Maximizing windows: When you click on the blue maximize button in Windows XP, the window you are viewing occupies the whole screen. 最大化窗口:当你在WindowsXP系统中点击蓝色的最大化按钮时,当前窗口会占据整个屏幕。
Eclipse has some UI elements that are not part of your application, such as the tool-tip maximize and minimize window button. Eclipse有一些UI元素并不是您的应用程序的一部分,如最大化和最小化窗口按钮的tool-tip。
The Eclipse workbench can become crowded with toolbars and views, so if you want more space for the editor, click the Maximize button at upper right. 带有工具栏和视图的Eclipse工作台可能会变得十分拥挤,因此如果编辑器需要更多空间,请单击位于右上角的Maximize按钮。
The minimize and maximize buttons have to be turned off for the help button to appear. 必须关闭最小化和最大化按钮,帮助按钮才会出现。
Here you can customize behavior when clicking on the maximize button. 您可以在此自定义鼠标单击最大化按钮时的行为。
Click the Maximize button to enlarge the program window to its fullest extent. 单击“最大化”按钮,把程序窗口扩大到全屏显示。
There are typically three buttons: a minimize button, a maximize or restore button, and a close button, arranged left to right. 通常有三个按钮:“最小化”按钮、“最大化”或“还原”按钮,以及“关闭”按钮,按从左到右的顺序排列。